Thursday, 2 December 2010

I guess this was kinda normal

I found mt phone! The alram went off at 6:30 and I fond it. Course I was then awake when I didn't have to leave till 9. It's Sarah Sharps birthday today so I decided I'd use one of the frames lying around to make her a portrait. Just with a ren nothing that special. Browsed facebbok and found a nice picture with her smiling and she had her hair curly. The face was a bit long for her and the right side went all blurry cuz it was a gel pen and it smudged. But Oh well it;s the thought that counts.
Okay, maybe I shoud have left earlier but at 10:20 I was still waiting in the cold and snow sin 9:10. No joke I had actually seen three of the 84 for busses go past on the other side to Leicester. I had to phone my teacher just to say How late I was gonna be. She's the sort of Teacher who gets well pissed off real easy. While I was on the phone with her the bus finally came. Thank god they have heating on the 84 my toes and hands were completely numb.
Anyway moving on, I got to the lesson and Mrs was just like thats for calling and all was well. Were jst finishing up on Nutcracker! theory I absolutely love Matthew Bourne he's really amazing. I love the class as well cuz we just laugh at loads of really random stuff. At a moment when we weren't really doing anything I handed Sarah her Birthday bag. The portrait in the frama and also a thorntaons slab that I got persobalises to say "Happy Birthday Sarah" and I got te lady to put on 17 and an "L" like for learner driver. She loved her presents soo much she actually cried, gotta love her. A couple of " guess what your 17" nudges her way.
At break i really wanted to get a cupcake cuz the icing the school does is just amazing. But James, Katie and Saz headed for paninis so I might aswell join them. As I was about to get one James said to Katie "ooh Leah's gonna kill you". quickly found out it was cuz she had gotten the last ham and cheese one. But when I asked what the lady had she said they had chicken ones and Katie quickly offered a swap. The three of us how cool sang happy birthday to her, purely just to try and embarres her. Chloe and Becky were there so we just started remenising about yesterday while they wiched Saz happy birthday. When the bell went I thought screw it I'm getting some kind of sweet thing. They had this thing that was like a iced cake slice, ugly but suprisingly nice.
I mentor third lesson despite Katie having a go at me for ditching her. Never mind, Jen had a bit of a talk with them then off they went. There doing there choreography so the can pretty much sort them selves out now they know what they're doing. First to ask for help was Pheobe as usual but she's a lot more sorted so It was just something small. Hatty, Rachel and girl I havent learnt the name of yet were just chatting with me for a while. So I had to keep reminding them to actually warm but it's all good fun. They've both decided to there's as duets and so I was helping them with lift Idea's. Hatty showed me this step she did and i demonstraded a lift they could do from there and they loved it. So then we just started playing with lift's for the rest of the lesson. I could hear Katie in the next room with Jen, well I still dont actually know why she was there but ohwell. Hug. When the lesson ended Katie said she just wanted to stay in and do contact work so I called the texted Jammie and found out that him and "Daz" were gonna do stuff in libary then get chips. Imidiate thoughts, yumm, but Katie wouldn't go. By the time they were finished it was toolate to get there and back before next lesson.
Thankgod we could go straight into dance practical so she wouldn't remember the Homework. Rosas Danst Rosas is wicked and totally mental. We recapped what we did last week and finished the chair section, me and Sarah added a little sexy roll on part of it. Then we did our floor section. Jenny showed us some moves then we could put them in any order. But hell yes we totally rocked it and even added our own load of it and the Sazlea flavour :D lol. But we need to get a rehearsel with Nikki cuz she wasnt there today.

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